About DriverSide:
DriverSide is a vast resource for all drivers. We want to make buying, selling, and owning vehicles easier and more rewarding. We feel like owning a car can be complicated and we are here to help.While there certainly are other places to get help on purchasing a vehicle, we wonder how interested the other guys are in helping out once their commission has been collected. We are different. We will bring you every resource, eliminate every fee, direct you to other websites (even if you leave ours,) and help you in any way we can. Our mission is to be as helpful as we can and to always be on the side of the driver!
DriverSide is located in San Francisco and was founded by three veteran internet entrepreneurs. DriverSide's editorial and production staff have long histories in the automotive space and come from places like KBB, Yahoo! Autos, Microsoft, Tesla Motors and other websites we like and respect! DriverSide is a private company and is venture financed.
Located in Emeryville, California, RepairPal was founded in 2007 by a group of automobile enthusiasts and entrepreneurs who were frustrated by the expensive and tedious process of fixing and maintaining their vehicles. They created RepairPal to provide drivers with the most accurate, unbiased, and useful car ownership information available. RepairPal is not affiliated with any automobile manufacturer, dealership, auto parts provider, or auto repair facility.
RepairPal offers a stress-free, time-saving method of obtaining all the relevant information conscientious consumers need. Unlike any other online resource, RepairPal provides impartial, fair price estimates, the most comprehensive auto shop directory, and expert insights and advice from certified mechanics. RepairPal’s unique, patent-pending system relies on multiple sources of difficult-to-acquire proprietary data that has never before been available to consumers.
RepairPal also provides a centralized online location where your records can be maintained for the entire ownership cycle of your vehicle. Emails will remind you of an upcoming oil change or scheduled service (coming soon).